Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Affections of My Heart

Studying and memorizing this scripture this week has been quite enjoyable for me.  I've always loved these verses, but now I love them more.  Today's line, "Let the affections of your heart be placed upon the Lord forever," has been a very tender experience.  I have always loved the Lord, but this line made me wonder if I've looked upon Him affectionately.

When I think of affection, the first thing that comes to my mind is how I feel about my children, and I LOVE when they are affectionate to me.

What kind of affection do I feel for my Heavenly Father and Christ?  This word has made an impact on the way I love them, and in the way I feel they love me.  Affection is reserved for those we know, those we treasure; it's the gentle, fond side of love for someone that you feel close to. 

This concept has deepened and softened how I feel about the Lord.